Tees Maritime is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people, and vulnerable adults. Our approach reflects statutory responsibilities, government guidance, and best practice requirements.
- The welfare of children is paramount in all our activities and decision-making.
- Every child, regardless of age, disability, gender identity, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation, has an equal right to protection from harm or abuse.
- Some children may be more vulnerable due to their personal circumstances, previous experiences, or communication needs.
- Collaboration with children, young people, their families, and relevant agencies is essential to promoting welfare and safety.
Tees Maritime aims to:
- Protect children and young people who interact with our organisation, including those whose parents or guardians use our services.
- Provide clear guidance to staff, volunteers, and families regarding child protection principles and procedures.
This policy applies to all individuals working with or representing Tees Maritime, including board members, employees, volunteers, and students. Non-compliance will be addressed promptly and may result in exclusion from the organisation.
Child: A child is defined as anyone under the age of 18, regardless of living circumstances, employment, or military status (Children Act 1989).
Adult at Risk: An adult at risk is someone who:
Requires care and support (regardless of whether they receive assistance from an authority).
- Is experiencing, or is at risk of, abuse or neglect.
- Is unable to protect themselves due to their needs.
Forms of Abuse
Children and adults may be at risk of abuse or exploitation from family members, acquaintances, or others in their daily lives. The four main types of abuse are:
- Sexual abuse
- Physical abuse
- Emotional abuse
- Neglect
Specific forms of abuse include:
- Bullying (including cyberbullying)
- Child sexual exploitation
- Child criminal exploitation
- Child trafficking
- Domestic abuse
- Female genital mutilation
- Grooming
- Historical abuse
- Online abuse
Safeguarding Children
As defined in Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018, safeguarding involves:
- Protecting children from maltreatment.
- Preventing harm to their health or development.
- Ensuring safe and supportive living environments.
- Promoting positive outcomes for all children.
Legal Framework
This policy aligns with UK safeguarding laws and guidelines. A full list of key legislation can be found at NSPCC Learning.
Prevent Duty
Under Section 26 of the Counterterrorism and Security Act 2015, certain organisations must identify and prevent vulnerable individuals from being drawn into terrorism. This applies to schools, childcare providers, local authorities, police, prisons, probation services, NHS trusts, and some other organisations.
Radicalisation involves adopting extremist ideologies, which may lead to terrorist involvement. Extremism is defined as vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, rule of law, and tolerance of different beliefs.
Training & Awareness
Tees Maritime will ensure that all directors, employees, and volunteers receive appropriate safeguarding training. This training will cover:
- Understanding safeguarding roles and responsibilities.
- Recognising signs of abuse and taking appropriate action.
- Reporting safeguarding concerns.
- Upholding dignity and respect in interactions with children.
- Familiarity with the Safeguarding Policy.
The policy is publicly accessible on the Tees Maritime website to ensure awareness among all stakeholders.
Confidentiality & Information Sharing
Tees Maritime requires all representatives to maintain confidentiality in line with GDPR and Data Protection regulations. However, if a child is at risk of harm, information will be shared with the local authority or, in urgent cases, with the police.
Safe Recruitment & Selection
Tees Maritime follows safe recruitment practices to prevent unsuitable individuals from working with children. This includes:
- Robust recruitment and vetting procedures.
- Adherence to the Tees Maritime Code of Conduct.
Social Media Policy
Directors, employees, and volunteers must not post content referencing children or young people without written approval from the Secretary. Parental or school consent will be obtained before approval.
Use of Mobile Phones & Digital Technology
It is unlawful to photograph or film children without explicit consent from a parent or guardian. Any requests should be directed to the Secretary, who will oversee the approval process.
Tees Maritime encourages individuals to report any concerns regarding unlawful or unethical conduct within the organisation. We are committed to protecting whistleblowers from retaliation.
Emergency Contacts
- Police Emergency: 999
- Police Non-Emergency: 101
- NSPCC Helpline: 0808 800 5000
This policy ensures that Tees Maritime upholds its responsibility to safeguard children, young people, and vulnerable adults, promoting their welfare in all aspects of our work.